e-Learning Quality Assurance

The rapid application of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) associated with the continuously evolving technologies have led to strong concerns in relation to online learning quality. One of the key challenges in e-Learning is the number of stakeholders, e.g., university top management, lecturers, subject matter experts, content designers and advisors, where a common set of standards need to be agreed and applied. The absence of such standards leads to inconsistent levels of quality in e-learning practices and consequently immature learner experience. InfoTech reviewed a number of e-learning platforms where excellent learning contents exist in e-learning systems but behind rigid and poorly structured e-learning platforms. We offer our customers initial meeting(s) to start the conversation with business representatives, and their customers whenever needed, to understand their key business goals, roles, responsibilities, then a proper quality assurance model/measures will be adopted/adapted. Once we agree with our customer on certain standards, we develop a roadmap and plan with milestones to achieve the required quality level. As a result, InfoTech ensures that our customers will improve the quality of their e-learning platforms and contents. For more information.

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