e-Learning Zero to Hero Plan

InfoTech is excited to help businesses, colleges and universities to unlock the potential of future opportunities using innovative learning technologies. In this plan, InfoTech provides a suitable package to develop e-learning services for any business. This includes a wide range of services such as:

  • Developing a strategic plan for e-learning to support business goals.
  • Develop a benchmark to assess developed services.
  • Help organisations to, fully or partially, design online courses and contents based on institutional requests.
  • Deploy flexible learning environments or software systems such as Learning Management Systems, Virtual Learning Environments, Learning Content Management Systems, Learning Object Repository, e-Learning Portfolio Systems, Video Streaming and Storage Systems, Authoring Tools, etc.

InfoTech ensures successful applications of their plans via aligning technologies to organisational goals and developing the best practices to achieve these goals. Recommended technologies encompass to of the line techniques such as adaptive, interoperable and Artificial Intelligence-powered technologies.